Why must we always put our faith in the famous, us humans?
It seems like our need for a leader will never leave the collective consciousness.
People unite under banners of philosophy and belief, usually inspired by a solitary, powerful figure.
It makes me wonder who the very first one was and what display or act put them into their position of power.
In modern society, the desire to be such a figure is frowned upon socially, depending on your approach. There's a thin line between celebrities, politicians, and megalomaniacs-I guess the former two paths succeed more because they mask true desire. One underneath the veneer of entertainment, the other shaded by social structure and strategic generosity.
We've seen this play being repeated throughout history, played out hero archetypes and astroturfed peoples' champions.
Let me define "astroturfing" before I get too far:
Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participant(s).
In Music Industry parlance, these people are known as industry plants. They are groomed and prepackaged by the industry to seem independent and give fans a feeling of participation; everybody loves the feeling of being up on the next wave...Not knowing these people were being sponsored from the start. The parallels between the entertainment industry and politics don't surprise me at all. Corporate sponsors have a vested interest in controlling entertainment and shifting the political sphere of influence with lobbyists/financial backing...to what end? Is it really all about profit or something else, more dubious and sinister than we could ever imagine.
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